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Dr Who goes in search of sex in Cardiff

by Hugh Davies
Story from
18 October 2005

After 42 years of tackling the Daleks before the 9pm watershed, Doctor Who is to be given a risque spin-off for adults on the BBC.

In the words of its creator, Russell T Davies, it will be "dark, wild and sexy". Davis said yesterday that Torchwood (an anagram of Doctor Who), would be a thriller set in Cardiff.

Swansea-born Davies is the chief writer and executive producer of the acclaimed revival of Doctor Who, which attracted a regular audience of 10 million.

He hopes to make Torchwood cult viewing. BBC3 is to screen the series next year, in the expectation of cashing in on the anticipated success of the next series of Doctor Who, starring David Tennant.

Davies is likely to deploy a similar sense of irreverence in the new series, which he said would unfold over 13 episodes "with humour".

He described it as "the X Files meets This Life". Stuart Murphy, the BBC3 controller, said: "There will be sex and swearing, I assume. I'm quite relaxed about that, as it will be post-watershed and Russell can do it in a funny and sexy way."

The star will be John Barrowman, who plays the bi-sexual Capt Jack Harkness.

